I have now typed this story 2 times with the intent of making it eloquent. To help inspire you but it is not me. I am not that way and really I find this very hard to explain.
Six years ago I felt a calling to become a missionary and there would be some connection with a sewing machine. I told Joel about this calling and he seemed to be on board. I was encouraged and joyful that we had a mission together. The day after this calling my mother called me explaining a dream she had involving a sewing machine and how she believed that is was for something special someday. I was hopeful but alas God blocked these conversations from both of their heads and I was left with the truths He had given me. This was a very hard thing to deal with. At times I would feel completely crazy. It seemed as if I had made these things up in my head. That the conversations never happened. They did though and the Holy Spirit reassured me to hold on to these truths. They were my treasures.
Around my 27 birthday I once again was given another truth that on my birthday something really wonderful was going to happen. I believed that it would be my up coming birthday, but you guessed it; it wasn't. I had to wait and hold on a little while longer..
Two years ago God called Joel and I out during a church service and presented us with another piece to our puzzle. He told us that we were at a stop sign. One of us wanted to run the stop sign, that was me, but we were to wait. God was gathering provision for our journey ahead. We were on the right path but above all else wait for Him. Excitement rose in me at the this promise but once again I was waiting.
In September 2013, when Joel called telling me about the opportunity at Children of the Promise, I knew the day had come for some answers. I was reassured of these truths when Joel explained that we would be in Haiti over my birthday. His truths were beginning to be revealed in their fullness.
Provision was the next truth for God to demonstrate His greatness in. Within 24 hours of the call to Haiti I was able to find child care for my four beautiful little girls for 10 days. He provided the money to cover our tickets from an anonymous donor. The money to cover immunizations and passports were also provided for us in amazing ways. His truths in our lives are real and He will not fail us.

My mother received a dream again concerning the sewing machine and called to let me know. I would like to add that she still did not remember the conversation 6 years prior. She sent it to Texas to have it repaired and then off with me to Haiti. This 26 pound box was my carry-on. It was stored under the seat in front of me. There was no clear use for it. I carried it anyway. It wasn't until the fifth day in Haiti that a women, from Minnesota, who was a seamstress, opened the box and started sewing was the purpose clear she was here to change lives. The next day an organization, with staff from Canada, arrived with wheelchairs for the disabled children of Children of the Promise and the surrounding areas. They were in need of a sewing machine and a seamstress. You see, the day before they had used the last of their small chair pads that help ensure a comfortable fit for the children. The only thing they had available were adult size cushions. Here at this point God had been planning on for years. Between the the wheelchair staff from Canada, the seamstress from Minnesota, and the sewing machine from Michigan well fitting chair pads were constructed for 16 deserving children. The smile on their faces will forever be a part of me. The truth of a sewing machine was revealed.
February 19, 2014 roles around and it was my 32nd birthday. The day had arrived that something great was going to happen. I was standing in the Citadel in Haiti. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I knew where God wanted me. It was here in his presence and truth, in his beautiful creation. I could feel the love that He has for this land and the people. He is truly with them always. God gave me an amazing birthday. He began to show me why I was born. What a gift that truly was and is.
It has been a wait for this calling. I took the step of trusting in the truths that God had given me. He has shown me a masterpiece intricately placed together to form something amazing. I pray daily for others to come with me. That they would allow God to reveal truths in their lives and to hold on to them and wait on the Lord because His timing is perfect. His time is not ours. Have faith in the one who made it all.