


Children of the Promise has given explicit permission for the posting of photos on this site. Photos taken of children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Our Blanket

Our blanket is nothing fancy. 
It seems a silly thing to do. 
Create an item meant for cold yet your leaving for hot.
 In each stitch there has been a struggle, a journey. 
The story for my family. On how we were called to be the servants for Christ. 
How we spent our last days before the world turned upside down. 
We are almost there. 
To our new home and this will be our treasure to tell where it all began. 
These stitches though not much hold my tears and fears. 
My children's heartbreak. 
My husband's love for his best friend, his companion, his duck retriever the one who was always laying on it. This will be are piece of home. 
This will be our blanket.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Birthdays and Last Days

September 16, 17, 28 what do these dates have in common? They are birthdays for Joel, Rosalee, and Maggie. This makes for a busy time. It has been awesome that we have been able to celebrate these special dates with family but there is still so much to be done.

Rosalee 5 and Maggie 9
Loving the Pumpkins 

Joel will be finishing up his time at Steensma Lawn and Power this week which has been hard on him. Spending the last decade working for really good friends is a hard thing to part with. I am not sure at any given moment what he is thinking, but we seem to do less talking these days about things. Gasp, not talking? To be honest it is hard knowing what to say to each other. I am not even sure what to say to myself let alone my husband who is a man. Yeah, we do not have the same priorities. There seems to be a mutual understanding that this is really hard. We will figure it out though and love each other in the process.

There have been a lot of tears from everyone. With no solid schedule and running around to tie up loose ends nothing seems to be normal. I am curious and fearful for my children, like any mother would be, in this transition. It 's a fact- I am moving my children at a time in there lives that will truly mold them for their entire lives. The moments you look back on as adults to share with their children or to help cope with something they may be going through. It will be hard moving to Haiti wanting to help those around me when truly I am to raise my children where they are. They need me as much if not more than those around me. I am sure they will be scared. I pray God keeps them at the forefront of my mind at all times and does not allow me to be burdened by that which is not mine to carry.

I am crocheting to pass the time. Seems strange but I feel that doing this in these last days will be a good reminder where we came from and how it felt to leave. It will be the last part of our home here in the states. Living the last days loving our family and preparing our hearts for our new home.

Friday, September 5, 2014

A List of Things to do Today

  1. Drink coffee
  2. Pray 
  3. Write blog
  4. Get dressed
  5. Pick-up house
  6. Play with kids
  7. Deal with children's emotions which are not sure how to deal with all the changes to their environment
  8. Pack 18 totes in my head again to make sure  I am not missing anything
  9. Send support letters 
  10. Ask the Lord how I will make it through the day.
  11. Buy sunscreen
  12. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  13. Drivers Licence
  14. Pray for Donations to come in and hate how it feels asking for money. This is not a natural thing to do. 
  15. Water flowers
  16. Pray my step out in faith will inspire others to do the same thing
  17. Clean van
  18. Go to the library
  19. Not be discouraged by the length of this list
  20. Buy a suitcase (carry-on size)
  21. Book hotel
  22. Do something fun with kids
  23. Mop floors
  24. Grocery Shopping
  25. Paint 
  26. Caulk tub and window
  27. Laundry
  28. Trip to Ikea
  29. Immunizations
  30. Order homeschooling supplies
  31. Feed dog
  32. Sell house
  33. 41 days until we leave.
Well maybe today this won't all happen, but this is just a glimpse at what I am thinking about at all times. We will be leaving Chicago Oct, 16, 2014. This list is in God's hands because there is no way I can do this on my own.

We have a fundraising goal of: $ 141,192.00 to pay our moving expenses, family living, house remodel of our home in Haiti, and support the ministry that Joel will be overseeing which is Facility Operations.

We love you as brothers and sisters in Christ and encourage you to take a step of faith today in your own lives.

With all my love friends,


Monday, August 11, 2014

Amy's Story

I have now typed this story 2 times with the intent of making it eloquent. To help inspire you but it is not me.  I am not that way and really I find this very hard to explain.

Six years ago I felt a calling to become a missionary and there would be some connection with a sewing machine. I told Joel about this calling and he seemed to be on board. I was encouraged and joyful that we had a mission together. The day after this calling my mother called me explaining a dream she had involving a sewing machine and how she believed that is was for something special someday. I was hopeful but alas God blocked these conversations from both of their heads and I was left with the truths He had given me. This was a very hard thing to deal with. At times  I would feel completely crazy. It seemed as if  I had made these things up in my head. That the conversations never happened. They did though and the Holy Spirit reassured me to hold on to these truths. They were my treasures.

Around my 27 birthday I once again was given another truth that on my birthday something really wonderful was going to happen. I believed that it would be my up coming birthday, but you guessed it; it wasn't. I had to wait and hold on a little while longer..

Two years ago God called Joel and I out during a church service and presented us with another piece to our puzzle. He told us that we were at a stop sign. One of us wanted to run the stop sign, that was me, but we were to wait. God was gathering provision for our journey ahead. We were on the right path but above all else wait for Him. Excitement rose in me at the this promise but once again I was waiting.

In September 2013, when Joel called telling me about the opportunity at Children of the Promise, I knew the day had come for some answers. I was reassured of these truths when Joel explained that we would be in Haiti over my birthday. His truths were beginning to be revealed in their fullness.

Provision was the next truth for God to demonstrate His greatness in. Within 24 hours of the call to Haiti I was able to find child care for my four beautiful little girls for 10 days. He provided the money to cover our tickets from an anonymous donor.  The money to cover immunizations and passports were also provided for us in amazing ways. His truths in our lives are real and He will not fail us.

My mother received a dream again concerning the sewing machine and called to let me know. I would like to add that she still did not remember the conversation 6 years prior. She sent it to Texas to have it repaired and then off with me to Haiti. This 26 pound box was my carry-on. It was stored under the seat in front of me. There was no clear use for it. I carried it anyway. It wasn't until the fifth day in Haiti that a women, from Minnesota, who was a seamstress, opened the box and started sewing was the purpose clear she was here to change lives. The next day an organization, with staff from Canada, arrived with wheelchairs for the disabled children of Children of the Promise and the surrounding areas. They were in need of a sewing machine and a seamstress. You see, the day before they had used the last of their small chair pads that help ensure a comfortable fit for the children. The only thing they had available were adult size cushions. Here at this point God had been planning on for years. Between the the wheelchair staff from Canada, the seamstress from Minnesota, and the sewing machine from Michigan well fitting chair pads were constructed for 16 deserving children. The smile on their faces will forever be a part of me. The truth of a sewing machine was revealed.

February 19, 2014 roles around and it was my 32nd birthday.  The day had arrived that something great was going to happen. I was standing in the Citadel in Haiti. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I knew where God wanted me. It was here in his presence and truth, in his beautiful creation. I could feel the love that He has for this land and the people. He is truly with them always. God gave me an amazing birthday. He began to show me why I was born. What a gift that truly was and is.

It has been a wait for this calling. I took the step of trusting in the truths that God had given me. He has shown me a masterpiece intricately  placed together to form something amazing. I pray daily for others to come with me. That they would allow God to reveal truths in their lives and to hold on to them and wait on the Lord because His timing is perfect. His time is not ours. Have faith in the one who made it all.

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Calling

I’m the kind of guy that likes a good comfy routine, and I have never been a huge fan of change!  Amy and I have been living in the same house we bought when we were 20, and I have held the same job for the last decade.  Life was good and comfortable.  However, last fall the word “transition” was given to me while standing in our church.  I figured God was telling me we would be moving.  Maybe a different house, different school for the kids, or something like that.  Ironically, I had peace with that figuring this “transition” would be something local.  
In September a friend called me proposing a week long trip to Children of the Promise,  an orphanage outside of Cap-Haitian, in northern Haiti. They were looking for someone to help with equipment and mechanical repairs. I immediately agreed, but then began to struggle with doubts as many different challenges and obstacles started to appear.  Thankfully, a month before we left, the Holy Spirit reassured me that it was not about simple repairs.  There was a much greater purpose for this trip, and I needed to cast aside my worry and have peace in what was to come.  I would have to surrender my comfy routine and bow to this calling of something more.  
On the flight down to Haiti, my eardrums ruptured and I experienced complete hearing loss for 5 days.  The deafness changed my perspective very quickly; only having my sight and a voice in my head.  I heard God telling me “Look…look around you and see how possible this is!”  God was showing me that moving my wife and four daughters to Haiti was a real possibility.  I wrestled with this “crazy” idea that I couldn’t shake until I could no longer ignore the calling.
Feeling slightly nuts, I sent an email to the directors of Children of the Promise.  I explained to them that I was feeling called to move my family to Haiti, and specifically to a position that was already filled!  They were polite enough to say they didn’t think I was crazy and recommended we pray, wait, and see if God would open doors. 
The position I felt called to is opening up.  Our unique skill set is a perfect fit.  I will be responsible for all facility, equipment, and vehicle maintenance and repairs.  I will also manage all in-country transportation and supplies for the 15 acre compound.  Besides being an amazing mother of 4, Amy will put together a preschool for all the international staff children.  Our work will directly affect the 40+ kids here, the 43 daily Haitian staff, 36 international staff and kids for a grand total of about 120!  Add the numerous people that come to the gate every day,  the 300+ volunteers each year, and 350 children who attend school on the grounds COTP is a small city that we will be tasked with keeping up and running!  

God has a plan for the Doorlag family.  We are being Called Out to Haiti.  We have laid our comfy routine on the altar and are trusting that His plans are greater than ours.  We believe God is doing something great in our lives and we humbly ask for your support in this journey.